Friday, January 29, 2010

Fresh starts and all that...

January - Small things come in big packages...or something like that.
Hands: 9,500
Winnings: $170
BB/100: 3.61
Rake paid: $123

First and foremost I'm starting this blog inspired by those degen grinders and bloggers out there that respectively crush tables and produce entertaining poker ramblings. But in addition to wanting to emulate these heros of poker, I've the slightly more selfish motive of hoping a public record of my poker wanderings will help me keep the proverbial nose to the grindstone.

After hitting a tiny score by running hot in a satelite-to-satelite-to-donkament back in the poker boom, I figured to have reached the pinnacle of my poker career and promptly cashed out and quit for a couple of years. I've spent the last couple of months getting back into the game and slowly coming to realisation that I really knew nothing back then.

And so here I am with a fresh pokerstars deposit and a hankering to cut my teeth on 25NL 6max, improve, move know same old same. Despite not putting in a huge volume of hands for this first month, I'm happy with my first 10k. I figure to be suffering from 'scared money' syndrome as I'm not entirely confident about putting to use all the concepts and thinking that I've done over the past few months. That said it is a world of difference to how I used to roll, and I certainly rarely feel totally at a loss in the more sticky spots I've been running into.

I started the month running 4 tables but have since moved to 9 and feel like I've got the time to put in the necessary thought into the more complex decisions. I think it's also a reasonable sized number of tables to be running such that I'm not gonna be swinging too much more than 5 BI down in any given session (althought that has happened once this month already, so it's not a stretch to think I'm capable of much larger swings). I'm running pretty nitty at 16/14 but I that is mostly a function of being on the early slopes of the learning curve, and I'm doing my utmost to avoid spots that I feel are gonna get too sticky post flop, so I can just concentrate on my decision making in spots where the value margin is slightly more plump!

SOTM (Spew Of The Month):

Poker Stars $0.10/$0.25 No Limit Hold'em - 6 players
The Official 2+2 Hand Converter Powered By

Hero (BB): $25.00
UTG: $36.50
MP: $33.20
CO: $22.75
BTN: $25.55
SB: $26.30

Pre Flop: ($0.35) Hero is BB with J J
2 folds, CO raises to $0.75, 2 folds, Hero raises to $2.50, CO calls $1.75

Flop: ($5.10) 3 6 T (2 players)
Hero bets $3.50, CO calls $3.50

Turn: ($12.10) 3 (2 players)
Hero bets $7.50, CO raises to $16.75 all in, Hero calls $9.25

River: ($45.60) 7 (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $45.60
Hero shows J J (two pair, Jacks and Threes)
CO shows 7 7 (a full house, Sevens full of Threes)
CO wins $43.35
(Rake: $2.25)

I guess not really a spew since I got it in good, but pretty badly played nonetheless. Just like everyone else I hate jacks. Villain was running 19/11 over a pretty reasonable sample. The 3bet flat pre I (rightly or wrongly) believe to be pocket pairs up to QQ and AKo, AKs. I cbet for value on flushes and smaller pairs as he has a low fold to cbet %, and he peels one. I suspect he hasn't hit a set here as I think he probably raises there especially with two to the flush out. Which leaves for me in his range probably 55, 77, 88, 99, JJ, QQ and AcKc possibly AcKx, pretty narrow but it's my first 3bet in over 100 hands at the table so I don't suspect he thinks I'm light. Flush draw gets there on the turn, betting here I think is a mistake given the range I've put him on, he's just not going to call me with anything I beat. So of course he ships, and I make my second mistake of calling (despite results I suspect this is bluff raise an inconsequential amount of the time) paying ~$9 to win ~$36 which is obviously nowhere near good enough to be trying to hit my 4 outs.

I played it horrendously...villain sucked out horrendously...what a game...

Bring on Feb! Scratch

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